You too, my mother, read my rhymes
For love of unforgotten times,
And you may chance to hear once more
The little feet along the floor.

~ Robert Lewis Stevenson

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You blink and it’s gone.

Those early years – between sleep deprivation – and the fact that children change and grow so quickly – can leave your mama head and heart spinning, and you wondering where on earth did the time go?

Imagine the joy, the relief, and the satisfaction of knowing that in some small way, you’ve documented these fleeting, golden days. And what’s more, that this time capsule of days gone by is doing more than existing on your hard drive in digital purgatory.

Instead, these moments are in your hands and on your walls, enjoyed by you and your children, both now and in the future.

This, my lovely mama friend, is what we accomplish when we work together and remember and document a slice of now in a family + childhood session.

Day in the Life Sessions

A slice of your everyday in photos + films.

Lifestyle family sessions

Do a thing that’s all you and your family, like have some cocoa with cows.